Monthly Archives: February 2015

World Peace and Prayer Day 2015


Joy Harjo, Muscogee Creek poet, musician and performer will be speaking and sharing at The Evergreen State College March 2, 2015 at 7pm


Joy Harjo, Muscogee Creek poet, musician and performer will be speaking and sharing some of her works as a Native writer on March 2, at 7:00PM.  The event will be in Recital Hall at the Communications Building at The Evergreen State College.

Parking is $2.00.

Joy Harjo was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma and is a member of the Mvskoke Nation. Her seven books of poetry, which includes such well-known titles as How We Became Human- New and Selected Poems, The Woman Who Fell From the Sky, and She Had Some Horses have garnered many awards.  These include the New Mexico Governor’s Award for Excellence in the Arts, the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Native Writers Circle of the Americas; and the William Carlos Williams Award from the Poetry Society of America. For A Girl Becoming, a young adult/coming of age book, was released in 2009 and is Harjo’s most recent publication.

Her work is politically insightful and visionary, and speaks to what humans need to do to live in harmony and protect the planet and have good relations with one another and the natural world. She has earned her reputation as one of the finest American and Native American writers because she has the ability to talk with such insight about the human condition.

Read more about her on her website:



Aleticia Kyle Silverwood Tijerina, PhD and Che Jim on “Make No Bones About It. 2-22-15 from 5-5:30pm

Join Raven as he visits with Aleticia Kyle Silverwood Tijerina, PhD. about The Big Mountain Sustainable Housing Land Recovery Project .

Aleticia Kyle Silverwood Tijerina, PhD

Aleticia Kyle Silverwood Tijerina, PhD (Odawa/Irish/Italian)

Dr. Aleticia Kyle Silverwood Tijerina, joined the Red Nation movement in 1983 as a young woman.  Leaving the East Coast where she was writing plays and performing, she headed to the southwest to pursue the dream of performance art with her own indigenous peoples.  Settling in Flagstaff, Arizona, she created the El Quetzalcoatl Teatro theater troupe and became involved in the political struggle of the Dine people living in Big Mountain Arizona who were in the fight of their lives to resist relocation off their traditional lands.  In 1983, she committed to dance for four years at the Sun Dance ceremony on Big Mountain that was hosted by the family of Louise Benally.  The Chief of the Big Mountain Sun Dance is Lakota Chief Leonard Crow Dog.  The Lakota dance was being conducted to help bring strength to the grandmothers and 100 families at Big Mountain who were being forced off their land by the US government.

Today, Dr. Tijerina continues to commit herself to social justice issues which impact her own indigenous peoples through organizational development projects.  In 2014, she created the Big Mountain Sustainable Housing and Land Development Project that is raising money to support green housing on the Navajo reservation.  Louise Benally was chosen as a recipient of a broader green housing initiative led by Community Rebuilds who is spearheading a project to support indigenous social activists and others through the green housing initiative.



We will be joined with Che Jim

Che Jim (Dinéh/Odawa) was born in1989 and raised in Flagstaff Arizona, son to Alan Jim and Aleticia Tijerina and a father of 2. He has been involved in traditional native ceremonies his entire life, including the Big Mountain Sundance on the land of Louise Benally. Che, along with his mother and sister, Asdzaanazbaa, formed the project in order to build eco-friendly housing to those living on the reservation.

Che is currently working as a consultant for rehabilitation programs promoting sobriety for native people through native culture and traditional teachings. He and his family travel multiple times a year to different communities around the country to help in various spiritual events and show support to those in need.

Shayne Bennett on KAOS 89.3 fm – 2-15-2015 at 4pm

Shayne 1

I am Māori who links to Te Arawa and Ngati Kahungnunu tribes on the North Island of New Zealand.

I have a background in Corporate IT, HR and Government services on three continents.  Born in New Zealand, I spent my formative years in Australia and now live in Canada.  I currently travel between Canada, Australia and New Zealand following my ancestors calling.

6 years ago my ancestors called me back to New Zealand to live and that is how I was shown the current healing work that I do.  I have been an energy healer for all of my life and this ability has been active in me throughout my business career as well. By following the calling of my heart space most of my healing today is remote or distant healing.  I am able to shift energies from people and land that includes trauma in this lifetime and past lives, release Family and tribal trauma passed down through generations, remove Kehua (evil spirits) from the environment and bring harmony and peace to what I connect to.

Since my early twenties I’ve connected with and studied many alternative therapies. Two were significant — LomiLomi (Hawaiian Massage) and Romiromi (Traditional Māori Healing).  Both powerful Polynesian healing modalities.   My Remote Healing work came about as an extension of my Traditional Māori Healing  practise in New Zealand.

Traditional Māori Healing is centuries old and has been passed down from generation to generation in the form of Romiromi and Mirimiri bodywork and ancient Māori teachings. Māori are the indigenous people of New Zealand and have a rich and deep cultural heritage based on their connection to the land and their spiritual beliefs. Romiromi and Mirimiri are physical bodywork treatments that focus on removing blocked energy at a cellular level, creating more space and freedom in the body. Stimulation of pressure points and deep tissue massage removes toxic waste and synchronizes the central nervous, lymphatics, cardio vascular and endocrine systems within the body. Romiromi also balances male and female energies and most importantly balances the mauri (life force) with the wairua (spirit). Blocked energy on any level can create imbalance in the body which can lead to disease. This extraneous energy can sometimes be held in the DNA or be an accumulation of held emotions in this lifetime.

Suzan Satiacum, Nancy Shippentower and Robert Satiacum speak about Fishing Rights Struggle and more. 4-5pm, 2-8-2015

Suzan Satiacum Nancy Shippentower RobPoster

left to Right Suzan Satiacum, Nancy Shippentower and Robert Satiacum.

Learn the Truth about what happened during the Fishing Struggle and the what is still happening today.

SPEAKER: Senator John McCoy (38th District Senator and Tulalip tribal member)

Good morning,

We are delighted to announce that our speaker on February 26, 2015, Tradition’s Cafe 6 pm Social 300 5th Ave SW Speaker at 6:30 pm Olympia, WA LWVTC GENERAL MEETING TOPIC: TOPIC: Presented By: League of Women Voters of Thurston CountyWater Quality / Fish Consumption (Fish consumption rates, a value that is directly tied to water quality)  SPEAKER: SPEAKER: Senator John McCoy (38th District Senator and Tulalip tribal member) 26th will be Senator John McCoy.  Senator McCoy, who represents the 38th District and is a Tulalip tribal member, will be giving us a presentation on fish consumption rates, a value that is directly tied to water quality.

Over the past year, there has been a major initiative, led by our state’s tribes, to increase ‘fish consumption rates’ which would raise our water quality standards by requiring local governments and businesses to have more stringent discharge systems.   A cleaner discharge means a decrease of pollutants in our waters, and in turn lessens the amount of toxins that we ingest when we eat fish.  Our current standard is the lowest in the nation.  The new standard will be set by the Department of Ecology. The current fish consumption rate is about a quarter of an ounce of fish per day.  Everyone recognizes that average people, and high fish consumers, such as our state’s tribes, eat much more than ¼ of an ounce of fish per day.

Last year, at the urging of the tribes, stakeholders and the Department of Ecology started negotiating a new rate.  Local governments and businesses are concerned about the financial impact of having to install better technology in their discharge systems.  Tribes and environmental groups remain apprehensive that the new proposed standards still allow too many toxins in the water, affecting fish and leaving too many carcinogens for human consumption. Come and hear Senator McCoy explain why fish consumption is the measure used to establish pollution controls and discharge rates, the current state of discussions, and why this measure is so crucial to our state’s tribes and environmental groups.

I have attached a flyer for your convenience.  Please join us at 6 pm on February 26th at Traditions.

Dawn Brooks Gibbs

Water Quality / Fish Consumption (Fish consumption rates, a value that is directly tied to water quality)

 SPEAKER: Senator John McCoy (38th District Senator and Tulalip tribal member)